Progress Update 1

Hello community,

Today I would like to give you a status update on Waidmann. In the last days I work on the new tracksystem for the animals. Deers now leave tracks such as hoof prints or losung (shi...), which make it easier to track down the animals. In this way, the animals can also be tracked over long distances. To be flexible, I wrote the whole System event driven, so I can create different "trackscenarios" for every possible animal species. The current version is my first approach to write an event driven architecture, so I´m not sure if it the final implementation.

Animal foot track

Animal foot print


Animal losung (sh..t)

The animals now make noises when walking, which is more than conducive to immersion. In the medium term I want to further expand this system in order to play different sound effects depending on the surface. If I find dedicated animal sounds, I will implement them to. Last but not least, there is also the first first-person animation. But these are only rudimentary and will certainly be exchanged over time

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